Volunteers Wanted

Welcome to our study!

We would like to invite you to take part in our research study. Our group is interested in the relationships between emotions and health-related behaviour.

Participants must be 18+ years and fluent in English.
Your involvement would be an initial 20-minute questionnaire that you can do online, and from any computer, and a 30-minute follow-up session at the School of Medicine, Grafton Campus, University of Auckland. For your participation you will receive a $20 Westfield voucher!

If you are interested and would like more information, please click here for the participant information sheet.

Once you have read the information sheet, if you would like to participate, please CLICK HERE 

You may also contact the researchers directly if you have questions or concerns (details on the participant information sheet).



Participant Information Sheet


Title:                Emotions and health care

Researcher:     Lisa Reynolds

My name is Lisa Reynolds and I am a lecturer in the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland.

You are invited to take part in an experimental study looking at the associations between emotions and health care that I am conducting with the help of Benjamin Booker, a third-year medical student completing his summer studentship.

We are recruiting participants who are aged over 18 and speak English fluently. Approximately 20 minutes is required to complete an initial questionnaire, with a further 30 minutes at a later date to attend a laboratory session at the Department of Psychological Medicine. Upon completion of the laboratory session, participants will be given a $20 Westfield voucher.

The initial on-line questionnaire includes questions about emotional well-being and how people relate to others. The laboratory session requires participants to answer questions about their current health status and their relationship with others, and to make decisions based on hypothetical health-related situations. Participants may find consideration of health-related scenarios uncomfortable or unpleasant, and may choose not to answer any of the questions. Participants may be randomly selected to take part in differing experimental conditions.

All responses and information relating to you will be kept completely confidential. No identifying information will appear on questionnaires or other materials. The information you provide with regards to your contact details will be kept separate to your questionnaire responses and will only be used to contact you to arrange a time for the laboratory session. Data reported in summaries of research findings, including research journals, will be presented as group averages and percentages. You have the right to withdraw participation at any time and to withdraw any data traceable to you up to two weeks after your participation in the research. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary (your choice).

The data obtained from this research will be kept in a secure manner on the researcher’s computer at the Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland, for a period of 6 years, after which it will be destroyed by deleting files and shredding hard copies. An electronic file of the study data will include your identity code. The file will be password protected, with only the researchers directly involved in this study having access to this file. A summary of the study results may be provided to interested participants. If you would like a summary of study results please e-mail Lisa Reynolds at l.reynolds@auckland.ac.nz.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish to know more about the study, or if you have any queries.

Researcher: Lisa Reynolds
Department of Psychological Medicine
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
+64 9 373 7599; extn. 84938

Researcher: Benjamin Booker
Department of Psychological Medicine
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
+64 9 373 7599; extn. 84938

Co-investigator: Associate Professor Nathan Consedine
Department of Psychological Medicine
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
+64 9 373 7599; extn. 85976

Head of Department: Associate Professor Sally Merry
Department of Psychological Medicine
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
+64 9 373 7599; extn. 86531

For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, The University of Auckland, Office of the Vice Chancellor, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, Telephone 09 373 7599 extn. 83711, ro-ethics@auckland.ac.nz